Horizon Zero Dawn Where to Get Stealth Armor

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Best Armour In Horizon Zero Dawn That You Must Check Out; See List

Gamers online have been talking about which is the best armour in Horizon Zero Dawn. So, here's a list of some of the best armours in the game.

best armour in horizon zero dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn has been one of the most popular games of the PS4 series. It is a PS exclusive game that has been garnering high praise from critics for its stunning graphics and gripping storyline. A number of players have been asking a lot of questions about the game -- one of them being the best armours in the game. Read on:

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Best Armours in Horizon Zero Dawn

Due to the popularity of the game, a number of people have been playing the game and have also brought in some doubts. Many of them want to know about the best armour in Horizon Zero Dawn. We have picked up these questions that have been creating much buzz amongst the gaming community and answered them. Here are the best armours weapons in Horizon Zero Dawn.

Shadow Stalward Heavy

  • Image Source: JorRaptor Youtube

The Shadow Carja tribe produces this armour and it helps by giving the player immunity to several status effects. The armour also helps the players by providing them with a high number of Modification slots. This outfit can be obtained by completing the main quest, The Terror of the Sun.

Nora Silent Hunter Master Armor

  • Image Source: JorRaptor Youtube

The Nora tribe produces this armour and it helps by increasing the stealth of the player. The armour can be used brilliantly as a camouflage ability and to reduce the noise made while walking or running. This armour can be effective while taking out a group of enemies in situations like raiding Bandit Camps or machine herds.

Nora Survivor Heavy Armoured

  • Image Source: JorRaptor Youtube

The Nora tribe produces this armour and it is extremely useful as it increases the resistance to Fire, Freeze, Shock, and Corruption damage of the player. This armour can be used anytime as it provides some improved resistance to almost all types of attacks. The game's inventory for this armour says, "Rigged for endurance and protection against all the elements, this armour is well-tested against the extremes of the Sacred Land".

Nora Protector Heavy Armor

  • Image Source: JorRaptor Youtube

The Nora tribe produces this armour and it increases the player's resistance to Melee attacks. This armour is most useful while taking out enemies with stronger close attacks. It can also be sued well while fighting against enemies who roam in large groups. The essential factor about the armour is that it functions against Melee attacks from both machines and humans.

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Horizon Zero Dawn Where to Get Stealth Armor

Source: https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/gaming/best-armour-in-horizon-zero-dawn.html

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