Farm Set Up That Makes the Most Points on Family Farm Seaside

Farms in 2016

There were ten.5 million agricultural holdings in the Eu in 2016

I third (32.7 %) of the Eu'southward agricultural holdings (here-on termed 'farms') were located in Romania, much more than than any other Fellow member Land; it was about the same as all the farms in Poland (13.5 % of the Eu-28 total), Italy (10.9 %) and Spain (9.0 %) combined, the three Member States with the next highest number of farms.

The vast bulk of the European union's farms are family farms

The overwhelming majority (96.0 % in 2016) of the EU's farms are classed equally beingness family unit farms [1]. Indeed, more than than 9 in every ten farms (93.0 %) in the EU merely had family workers (the farmer and his/her family members) in 2016. Family farms were the ascendant subcontract blazon in all Member States. Nonetheless, France had a relatively sizeable minority of not-family farms (27.three % of its close to 0.5 million farms) along with Estonia (21.0 %).

Almost of the Eu's farms are small-scale in nature

Ii-thirds of the EU's farms were less than v hectares (ha) in size in 2016 (run across Figure 1). These small-scale farms tin play an important part in reducing the risk of rural poverty, providing boosted income and nutrient. At the other end of the product calibration, vi.9 % of the European union's farms were of 50 ha or more in size and worked 2-thirds (68.ii %) of the Eu's utilised agricultural area (UAA). Then although the average mean size of an agricultural holding in the EU was sixteen.half-dozen ha in 2016, only about 15 % of farms were this size or larger.

Figure 1: Distribution of Eu farms and utilised agricultural area according to farm size, 2016
Source: Eurostat (ef_m_farmleg)

This distribution pattern was particularly clear in Romania, the Member State with the highest number of farms; nine in every ten farms (91.8 % or meg farms) were smaller than 5 ha, merely the 0.5% of farms of 50 ha or more than in size farmed 1 one-half (51.1 %) of all the UAA in the country. Pocket-sized farms of nether 5 ha were also typical in Republic of malta (96.5 % of the total), Cyprus (89.6 %), Bulgaria (82.six %), Hungary (81.iv %), Greece (77.3 %), Portugal (71.v %) and Croatia (69.5 %), as well as in detail regions of others such as the southern parts of Poland and coastal regions of Spain and Italy. The number of small farms in certain Fellow member States and regions reflects a mixture of crop specialisation (such as small olive groves and vineyards), of wide land ownership, and geological and topographical constraints.

Larger farms (of 50 hectares or more) were much more than mutual in Grand duchy of luxembourg (51.8 % of farms), French republic (41.3 %), the Great britain ( %) and Kingdom of denmark (35.three %). In most Member States, a majority of UAA was concentrated on the largest farms (50 ha or more in size).

European union farms can be characterised in three singled-out size groups

Broadly-speaking, there are 3 singled-out groups of farms in the EU: (i) semi-subsistence farms, where the focus is on growing a high proportion of nutrient to feed farmers and their families (ii) small and medium-sized farms that are by and large family-run businesses and (ii) large agricultural enterprises which are more probable to take a legal grade or be cooperatives.

These distinctions are made clearer by analysing farms in terms of their economical size. Of the EU'southward x.v million farms, iv.0 meg had a standard output below EUR 2 000 per year and were responsible for only i% of the EU'southward total agricultural economic output. These very modest farms are at the (semi-)subsistence end of the farming scale; about 3-quarters of such farms in the Eu consumed more than ane one-half of their production.

A further 3.0 meg farms had an economic output inside the range of EUR 2 000 - EUR viii 000 per year. Together these very small and minor farms accounted for two-thirds (67.6 %) of all farms in the EU in 2016.

In dissimilarity, 304 000 farms (2.ix % of the EU total) each produced a standard output of EUR 250 000 per year or more than in 2016 and were responsible for a majority (55.half-dozen%) of the EU'south total agronomical economic output; these farms tin can exist characterised as existence large agronomical enterprises. 2 in every 5 of these big farms had a legal or grouping belongings course.

A majority (55.i %) of the standard output generated by agriculture beyond the European union was from farms in France (xvi.8 %), Italy (xiv.2 %), Deutschland (13.5 %), and Kingdom of spain (x.5 %) in 2016. Although Romania accounted for well-nigh one third of the European union'southward farms, information technology accounted for just 3.3 % of the European union'south standard output (encounter Figure 2).

Figure 2: Farms and standard output, 2016
(share of Eu total, %)
Source: Eurostat (ef_m_farmleg)

EU farms remain various in terms of what they grow or rear

The diversity of farm types can be shown according to what is grown or reared, based on whether there is a single dominant activity or not. A farm is considered to be specialised when a item activity provides at to the lowest degree two-thirds of the production or the business concern size of an agricultural belongings. Others have a mix of activities in which no i activity dominates.

Some farms are specialised in crop product, whether that be where field crop activities are the dominant activity, or where permanent crops (like apples, grapes and olives) boss, or indeed horticultural activities. Some farms are specialised in animal product and animal products, whether that exist where grazing livestock or granivores (such as pigs and poultry) dominate. Other farms take a mix of crops, mix of livestock, or mix of crops and livestock.

About one half (52.5 %) of all farms in 2016 could be categorised as beingness crop specialist farms; merely nether one 3rd (31.six %) of all farms were specialised in field cropping, most one fifth (xviii.9 %) were specialised in permanent crops, with residual (1.8 %) being specialist horticultural farms. In this grouping of farms, general field cropping farms that specialised in root crops (such as potatoes and sugar beet), in field vegetables and field crops were the most numerous (bookkeeping for sixteen.4 % of all EU farms – meet Figure 3). This was closely followed past specialist cereals, oilseeds and poly peptide ingather farms (15.2 %) of all European union farms.

Another one quarter (25.1 %) of the Eu's farms were specialist livestock farms, with sheep, goats and other grazing livestock farms (6.2 %) and specialist dairy farms (5.four %) the most numerous within this group. Mixed farms made upward virtually of the rest ( %), with a small percentage of farms not being classifiable.

Figure 3: Farms past type of specialisation, EU-28, 2016
(share of all European union farms, %)
Source: Eurostat (ef_m_farmleg)

In many Mediterranean countries (Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus) and also in Finland specialist cropping was the dominant farm blazon (with a share of more than than 60 % of all farms), while in parts of N-West Europe (Benelux, Austria, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway) specialist livestock farming was the dominant activeness (with a share of more than 50 % of all farms). More than than xxx % of farms were mixed holdings in Portugal, Romania, Republic of bulgaria, Lithuania and Croatia [2].

Farmland in 2016

Eu farms used 173 million hectares (ha) of state for agricultural product in 2016

Almost iii quarters (71.five %) of the utilised agricultural area of the EU was based in just seven Member States; France used 27.eight million ha for agricultural purposes in 2016, Kingdom of spain 23.ii million ha, the United Kingdom and Federal republic of germany both 16.7 million ha, Poland used 14.4 one thousand thousand ha, Italy a further 12.half dozen meg ha and Romania 12.5 million ha.

Farms managed only under one one-half (47.1 %) of the total land area of the Eu in 2016

Farms in the European union managed two-fifths (38.8 %) of the total land area of the Eu as UAA, too as wooded areas (vi.2 %) and other farm country not used for agriculture (ii.1 %). Agricultural landscapes dominated the countryside in some Fellow member States; about two-thirds of the land area in Ireland (70.0 %) and the United Kingdom (65.7%) was used as agricultural land and the share was as well specially high in Denmark (lx.9 %). This was in stark contrast to Finland (half-dozen.5 %) and Sweden (6.9 %) where wood dominated the landscape. These ii Nordic Member States were the only EU Member States where wooded areas belonging to agronomical holdings accounted for a higher share of the land expanse than that used for agricultural purposes.

Figure iv: Land belonging to farms by type of country, 2016
(% share on total state surface area)
Source: Eurostat (ef_lus_main) and (reg_area3)

The evolution of farms and farmland from 2005 to 2016

The number of farms in the EU has been in steep decline

The number of farms in the Eu has been in refuse for a long time. Yet, putting a precise effigy on farm losses should exist treated with some caution, as coverage has decreased in some countries with the raising of the size threshold for what is considered a farm. This means that figures in time serial assay of subcontract numbers, types of farms and characteristics of the labour force should be seen every bit indicative rather than precise[three].

Begetting this precaution in mind, the number of farms in the EU decreased by about one quarter in the relatively short menses between 2005 and 2016. This suggests losses of up to 4.2 1000000 farms beyond the Member States, the vast majority of which (about 85 %) were small farms of a size under five ha. During this flow, the largest reductions in subcontract numbers were recorded in Poland (an indicative loss of 1.1 million farms, or 43 %), Romania (an indicative decline of 0.8 million farms, or 20 %) and Italy (an indicative 0.6 million farms, or 34 %). All Member States, with the notable exception of Republic of ireland, recorded falls in farm numbers. In proportional terms, the steepest declines of nearly ii-thirds were in Slovakia and Bulgaria.

The amount of state used in the Eu for farm production has remained steady

The amount of land that was used for agronomical product remained broadly unchanged between (+0.2 %) 2005 and 2016, despite the abrupt reduction in subcontract numbers. At the Eu-level, this consolidation of agricultural land reflected the growth in the number of the largest holdings and the land that they used for agronomical purposes (see Figure 5).

Figure five: Modify in the number of farms and utilised agricultural area past size class, European union-28, 2005–2016
Source: Eurostat (ef_m_farmleg)

Amongst Member States, this readjustment took identify in dissimilar size classes. In France, Germany, Finland and the United Kingdom, in item, it was only in the largest subcontract size category of 100 hectares (ha) or more that in that location was growth in numbers and the utilised agricultural area, all other size classes shrinking. This readjustment took identify in smaller size classes in many other Member States; for example, there was growth in subcontract numbers and utilised agricultural expanse in farms that were larger than 20 ha in Italy and in Romania, and in farms to a higher place ten ha in Hungary and in Bulgaria in the period between 2005 and 2016.

Although comparatively few, the number of farms in the European union taking a legal class rose by well-nigh 40 000 through to 2016. This growth in farms of a legal nature was noted in every size category, although most notably in farms of a 100 ha or more than in size.


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