How to Know if God Wants You to Quit Your Job
If you lot're struggling with unhappiness in your life, consider these 4 signs God is pushing you into something better. Plus three signs that you're resisting Him.
You sigh as you sit back in your chair, stretch your artillery, and then ringlet your head and shoulders. Y'all've been doing that a lot lately, trying to relieve what feels like permanent kinks and knots in your neck.
You desire to believe that they're a event of all the time you spend at your desk-bound, pounding out work like you always practise. Only you know that's a lie. Those kinks and knots are a direct result of the constant tension under which you currently live.
As you roll your caput again, your optics land on the framed pictures sitting on a corner of your desk. This is new for you; you usually populate your desk only with necessary work items. In fact, y'all only recently set up the pictures in that location to act as a constant visual reminder of why y'all need to keep this job.
Because lately, every day—heck, every infinitesimal—is a struggle, and you need all the assistance you tin become to stay focussed.
But the picture reminder isn't the only thing that'southward new. This unhappy restlessness is also new and it doesn't sit down well with you at all.
Actually, if you're being totally honest, the feeling as well isn't that new. Because you lot've been wrestling with it for a while now. Mayhap even a couple of years. And you hate it since it's only not you.
And then you sigh out your unhappiness in a heavy breathe, then you lot lean your caput dorsum confronting the chair and contemplate your dilemma.
You hate your job and want to get out but you can't.

4 Signs God Wants You To Movement
OK, starting time things starting time. You're non alone. Even if yous recall you are because the people around you lot don't understand your restlessness and unhappiness.
You aren't alone. Even if yous recall you are because your loved ones keep dismissing your discontent, directing you to detect joy in your hobbies and hang on to your safe and secure job.
My darling, yous aren't alone. Even though it feels that way, you lot aren't. Get-go, because as a confessed, baptized follower of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is ever with y'all. Second, considering others have been where yous're at. I'thousand 1 of them.
Not only aren't you lot alone, just God is speaking to you through your discontent. Because you've completed the season where you are, and now He has something different for you.
In truth, deep down you know it's time to go only consciously, you may nevertheless be unsure. So hither are 4 signs God is pushing you lot into something better.
one. Your Passion & Joy
You lot're the adult female who always threw herself, middle and soul, into her work. Get-go ane in, concluding one out, taking work home, working on the weekends. As long as there was piece of work to practice, you were all over it.
And y'all didn't merely do it for the rewards—the praise and the excellent performance reviews. Those were bang-up and y'all loved them. But mostly yous did it because you lot directly upwardly loved your piece of work and the sense of accomplishment it gave you.
Now, non and then much. Now, y'all've lost your passion and joy. And every task is like slogging through a boggy swamp.
2. Your Team
You're the original team player. The ane who ordinarily plays her part to the full, doing all she can to bring the team to success. Whatever new matter gets thrown at you lot, you observe a manner to become it done.
And your by performance reviews evidence you as a dependable, valuable member of the team. All of which came naturally to you, so you never had to force information technology.
Now, not so much. Now, you feel disconnected from your colleagues, ofttimes equally if you're playing on dissimilar teams. In fact, you lot probably experience like you spend half your time protecting your back. Which they seem OK with doing themselves, but which is exhausting for yous. Because this isn't the way yous view teamwork.
Worse, perhaps y'all even suspect that your boss doesn't believe in or value you anymore. Where in one case y'all were always giving and getting feedback on projects, now he or she barely spares you lot common courtesies.
And then you're just keeping your head downwards, trying to get your work done in what feels like a hostile environment.
three. Your Motivation
You're the woman who normally wakes upward with her to-do list for the mean solar day front and center. Equally each detail rolls through your mind, you mentally organize your tasks for efficiency. And within precious few minutes of coming fully awake, y'all're out of bed and charging into your twenty-four hours.
Now, not so much. Now, every morn when your mind flickers to consciousness, the first matter you do is mentally bank check the day. And every bit long every bit it's a workday, your middle inevitably sinks. Later which you lot spend as long as possible not thinking about work, before finally dragging yourself out of bed and into your solar day.
And equally soon every bit the workday ends, you close downwardly all thoughts of work and lose yourself in your preferred method of escaping your unhappiness. So by the time you residual your head on your pillow at night, it's with a profound weariness that yous'll have to re-exercise the whole pretense tomorrow.
In fact, you've come to realize lately that even your paycheck isn't enough motivation. Instead, you now know that y'all desire to get up every morning knowing that what y'all're almost to practise that solar day volition fundamentally help to meliorate someone's life. And you want to go to bed at night knowing that y'all spent your day fundamentally helping someone. With no accolades necessary.
iv. The Problem Is You
And, of course, y'all've thought about changing jobs. The toxic team, the almost hostile boss, your lack of motivation. You recognize them all equally possible signs God wants you to move.
Only you also know that irresolute companies won't solve your problem. Considering you lot know that you're carrying the trouble with you.
And then even in a comparable role at a unlike company, you know you'll still experience the same unhappiness. Because you're unshakeably positive that what you lot need is a radical modify.
So you lot've come up to take that your problem isn't with your company, team, or dominate. The problem is with you.
3 Signs You're Resisting God Pushing Yous Into Something Better
So y'all're drowning in all kinds of unhappiness at work. And you lot're enlightened of these 4 signs God is pushing yous into something ameliorate. In fact, you know deep down in your gut that God wants you to step out into something different.
But for several months—at the very least—you've been doing all you tin can to silence that persistent voice. Why?
1. The Unknown
Straight up, the biggest reason why y'all're ignoring these iv signs God is pushing yous into something better is fear.
Either y'all don't know exactly what He wants you to practice. And what sane person leaves a well-paying great position with a proficient company for some unknown matter?
Or you suspect what He wants you to do just you're riddled with dubiety considering the how isn't clear. Which is very uncomfortable.
After all, you're a woman who always has a programme. You lot need to know where you're going and how you're supposed to become at that place. And this whole, "Go, then I'll tell you what we're doing," thing from God isn't your speed at all.
And anyway, how can yous be sure that what He has is actually better than what yous accept now? And how can it actually be the right thing if it makes you uncomfortable?
Know who else God told to go, with no clear plan or path? Abram.
Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I volition make of you a nifty nation, and I will bless yous and make your proper noun great, then that you will be a blessing. I volition bless those who anoint you, and him who dishonors you I volition expletive, and in y'all all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
Genesis 12:1-3 (ESV)
All God gave Abram was a huge hope. No specific vision, no pace-past-pace program, not fifty-fifty a general direction. That'southward the (admittedly, sometimes abrasive) thing about God. He didn't fifty-fifty tell Abram where to go; He simply promised to show him once he was on his way.

Abram's Response To God Calling Him
And did Abram hesitate over the lack of a plan? Did he crave certainty earlier stepping one foot out of his comfort zone?
And so Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-v years old when he departed from Haran. And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people that they had acquired in Haran, and they gear up out to become to the state of Canaan. When they came to the land of Canaan, Abram passed through the state to the place at Shechem, to the oak[d] of Moreh. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I volition give this land." So he congenital there an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him.
Genesis 12:4-7 (ESV)
See? God but revealed His big plan to Abram once he'd stepped out and kept moving forward in faith.
Find that Abram didn't do countless career quizzes, visit a career advisor, or effort to get certainty or reassurance in whatever way. He simply took God at His word and did as he was told.
Meanwhile, y'all're afraid of an unknown futurity. Because you don't really trust God to have a plan or to have your back while He brings His plan to fruition.
two. The Coin
Ah, money. Information technology's lovely, isn't it? Because of the money you've earned at this and prior jobs, you take the life yous dreamed of for so long. The one that yous were supposed to observe inundation with joy.
The money is what got you what you now have, and it's what maintains your lifestyle.
Not that you beloved coin. In fact, mostly speaking, you're a skilful steward of what God has given you lot. Tithing, budgeting, and being generous with what you take.
But you also have a healthy respect for the power of money. Because, practically speaking, yous have a roof to continue over your head, utilities to keep turned on, and mouths to feed.
Then God wants yous to step out into something different. Only how will the new thing keep the roof over your head, utilities on, and mouths fed? How will you maintain your current comfy lifestyle?
Y'all don't know and that's role of why you're ignoring the 4 signs God is pushing you to something better.
Just you can cease not knowing right now. Because the Bible says something about that.
As for the rich in this present historic period, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set up their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, only on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.
one Timothy 6:17 (ESV)
The money for which you have such healthy respect? God provided that for you. And y'all're not trusting Him to brand sure you take as much as you need as you step into the better life He also has for you.
3. The Position
And so there's the prestige of your position. No one tin can deny that you worked hard to get here. And at present you have an enviable position that brings some amount of recognition.
You wouldn't accept a trouble if you left your current position for a similar one in another company. But what would people call back if you left it for some unknown thing? Surely, they'd call back you'd lost your listen. Because who gives up certainty for uncertainty? Peculiarly afterward working so hard to achieve everything you have.
The fright of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
Proverbs 29:25 (ESV)
Certain, you lot agree with this verse to some extent; you lot remember the Lord is safety. But you don't feel condom when yous recall almost the unknown life that lies beyond those 4 signs God is pushing you to something improve. And then, you reason, better to stick with the misery you know.
Meanwhile, the image you're concerned with maintaining and the judgment you're concerned with fugitive? They can't compare to the freedom and joy you lot'll notice when you run towards that something better into which God is pushing you.
God Is Pushing You Into Something Better
Back at your desk, the twenty-four hours stretches ahead of you. Interminably long as yous try to ignore your unhappiness and refocus on the work ahead of you.
Again, your eyes flicker to the pictures in the corner, your latest drastic try to silence your disquiet. The aforementioned disquiet that'due south a sign from God for y'all to move.
You're still uncertain about what to practise now. So meet if this helps:
Picture yourself five years from now, dragging yourself from bed every morning. Maybe in a unlike visitor, just slogging through the aforementioned daily swamp.
Then motion-picture show yourself instead joyfully bounding into your day, because God has moved you into something meliorate.
Which will you choose today?
If you're prepare to choose God's plan, then check out this mail service for how to unlock your God-given purpose. Then step out in faith into what God has for you.
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