North Carolina Department of Instruction and Teacher Continuing Education Credits
Are you a social studies needing professional development opportunities? Click on this link for a variety of professional development choices:
Triangle Learning Days
Digital Durham and Durham Public Schools are hosting a professional development event as part of Triangle Learning Days, "Teaching in the Digital Age" on Saturday, May 18 from 9:00-12:30 at the Staff Development Center. This is the first annual Triangle Learning Days event and promises to have a big impact on educators and learners in our community. The NC State College of Ed Makerspace will be there presenting. We are excited to be a part of the Remake Learning Days network of events across the country. The event will offer strategies for effectively leveraging online resources and hands-on materials to teach across the curriculum. Registration for educators to attend the event is now open. Please register here on True North Logic and on the Eventbrite website: Participants will receive .3 Digital Learning Competency CEUs
Session Title: edWeb Webinar- Educators and Social Media
Description: While social media presents a host of opportunities for educators to connect with their students and to prepare students to be savvy digital citizens, it also requires educators to walk a fine line. How can they make the most of tools like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, while also upholding appropriate boundaries that protect the privacy and well-being of students? , a free professional learning network, hosted a webinar with Common Sense Media sharing strategies for helping teachers use social media in a way that benefits their students, their school, and themselves. This presentation will be of interest to elementary through high school educators.
• It is necessary to create a free membership. Do so here .
• You can watch the archived webinar here .
• The day following the webinar, download your certificate.
• Submit your certificate here for .1 Digital Learning Competencies CEU. You must take the quiz associated with each webinar you watch.
Session Title: Fact vs. Fiction: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the Age of Fake News
Description: , a free professional learning network, recorded a webinar with authors Jennifer LaGarde and Darren Hudgins about teaching critical thinking in the information age. This edWebinar expands upon tactics outlined in their book, Fact vs. Fiction: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the Age of Fake News . Viewers will gain practical strategies and skills for navigating the landscape of fake news and helping students think critically about how they receive, evaluate, and share information.
• It is necessary to create a free membership. Do so here .
• Watch the recorded webinar here .
• The day following the webinar, download your certificate.
• Submit your certificate here for .1 Digital Learning Competencies CEU. You must take the quiz associated with each webinar you watch.
April 9, 2019
Need some digital learning credits?
Here are some courses you can register to take for digital learning:
Computer Science Discoveries from the Friday Institute and NC State:
These are short one hour courses that will give you .1 in digital credit. You must register for the edweb website and then send the certicates to Leah Rubow at
February 7, 2019
Are you in need of some Digital Learning Credits???
1) See what your school is offering.
2) District offerings are listed on the TNL catalog by searching "C&I DTL".
3) Are you interested in online courses?
There are some really goodfree online courses!!!
Go to these links...
Would you like to observe some Digital Scholars and earn credit for doing so?
Would you like to earn a micro-credential in Financial Education or STEM instruction?
Are you interested in becoming Google Certified ?
Here are two links in TNL:
March 2019
Need some Digital Credits? Check out this FREE collaboration between DPS and Digital Durham! DPS is collaborating with Digital Durham and providing training on Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 9:00-12:30 at the Staff Development Center. More information is posted here . DPS will have up to nine one hour sessions for educators related to the integration of technology and makerspaces for teaching and learning. Participating educators will receive CEUs .
If you need some literacy credits, click on this link for free literacy PD:
October 2018
Are you looking for workshops on Early Release Day, October 17?
October 1, 2018
Are you in need of some Digital Learning Credits???
1) See what your school is offering.
2) District offerings are listed on the TNL catalog by searching "C&I DTL".
3) Are you interested in online courses?
There are some really goodfree online courses!!!
Go to these links...
Are you interested in becoming Google Certified ?
Here are two links in TNL:
August 1, 2018
The new renewal requirements for 2019 can be found on the "Renewal Requirements" tab.
Looking for some online courses?
There are some really goodfree online courses!!!
Go to these links...
July 20, 2018
This message is from DPI:
Did you miss NCTIES and ISTE? No worries! We are bringing similar content to a location within your region.
Learn how to positively impact student learning through implementing the Digital Learning Competencies in your classroom and schools. Join one of our mini-conferences for fresh ideas to immediately incorporate into your classroom practices!
All sessions will be provided by educators from across North Carolina! Concurrent sessions will support classroom teachers and school-level administrators in developing the capacity to improve instruction and provide digital leadership in classrooms and schools.
Lunch will be provided.
Dates & Locations:
- Monday, July 23 -Central Wilkes Middle: Moravian Falls
- Tuesday, July 24 -Eastern Guilford High School: Gibsonville
- Wednesday, July 25 -Concord High School: Concord
- Thursday, July 26 -Brevard High School: Brevard
- Monday, July 30 -DF Walker Elementary: Edenton
- Tuesday, July 31 -Kinston High School: Kinston
- Wednesday, August 1 -Granville Central High School: Stem
- Thursday, August 2 -Lumberton High School: Lumberton
Sessions are from 9:00 AM – 3:45 PM. Space is limited to 400 educators per location. If a event isn't available, register for the waiting list!
This is a FREE event open to educators in North Carolina. Participants may earn 0.7 Digital Learning Competency CEUs. Space is limited!
Register here for DLC Events!
July 2, 2018
The new renewal requirements for 2019 can be found on the "Renewal Requirements" tab.
Looking for some summer online courses?
There are some really good free online courses!!!
Go to these links...
May 4, 2018
Up for renewal June 30th 2018?
Need Credits?
Have you thought of online courses?
There are some really goodfree online courses!!!
Go to these links...
If you have enough credits…go ahead and apply for your new license now: Go to the Licensure Renewal tab. Follow those instructions. You will not need to attach your HRMS credit history because you are going through DPS Licensure. Update your demographics (use personal email address) and answer the two criminal statements.
2) Pay your fee.
3) Then email your DPS Licensure Specialist (either (A-K) or (L-Z)). Notify them that you have completed the online application and paid the fee; ask what else you need to do.
Delores or Berna will review your application, fee payment, credits and flip the switch.
April 16, 2018
Up for renewal June 30th 2018?
DPS HR/Licensure will email instructions to those that are renewing in late April. Follow those instructions.
Licensure Specialists:
Need help with credits contact Marie
April 10, 2018
Need Digital Learning Credits?
"Google Classroom in the World Languages Classroom and whatever else you teach"will be taught by Fernando Campos at Jordan April 24 . Register for course# 8905 in TNL.
March 26, 2018
Need Credits?
Have you thought of online courses?
There are some really good free online courses!!!
Go to these links...
February 12, 2018
Out of the Box registration is open!!!
January 19, 2018
Need Literacy credits???
These 2 online modules in True North Logic/Performance Matters can earn you Literacy credits:
2509 The Reading and Writing Connection
3780 Helping Struggling Readers in the K-12 Classroom
There are other courses; you just have to look. When you finish the course, email the Course # and title and your credits will be processed in HRMS.
NCCAT, now has a catalogue for online courses. If you take one of those courses, forward the NCCAT certificate to and your credits will be processed in HRMS.
December 6, 2017
Need Literacy credits???
These 2 online modules in True North Logic/Performance Matters can earn you Literacy credits:
2509 The Reading and Writing Connection
3780 Helping Struggling Readers in the K-12 Classroom
There are other courses; you just have to look. When you finish the course, email the Course # and title to and your credits will be processed in HRMS.
NCCAT now has a catalogue for online courses. If you take one of those courses, forward the NCCAT certificate to and your credits will be processed in HRMS.
November 1, 2017
Out of the Box October 2017 was a success!!! 1600 educators participated in 130 workshops held all over the District on 25 Oct 2017. Final count has not been made for those that participated in the Jonathan Kozol Talk at Duke that same evening.
Credits will be bundled to include Oct 2017 and Feb 2018 OotB as well as the Kozol Talk. Therefore, .5 or more credits will appear on your HRMS credit history by late April 2018.
October 23, 2017
Out of the Box, Fall 2017 registration is CLOSED!
If you are still planning to participate, contact the instructor and ask them to save you a seat!
October 9, 2017
Out of the Box, Fall 2017 is here!!!
Registration will be available October 9th - 20th. Click on one of the links below to register. If you change your mind, make sure you "withdraw" so the seat is available for someone else. Workshops will be held on October 25th. There are 3 different start times to accommodate the various Early Release times. Follow one of these links:
Certified Staff:
Classified Staff:
September 1, 2017
Digital Learning Competencies will be required if you renew in June 2019. All certified people renewing in June 2019 must have earned 2 CEUs in Digital Learning. Click on the tab above for more information.
August 15, 2017
Welcome NEW Teachers!!!
If you have not yet received your Home Base logon and would like to view the professional development catalog, click on the TNL Catalogue tab above. If you see something for which you would like to participate, contact the facilitator and ask them to reserve a seat for you.
July 1, 2017
Renewal Requirements have changed for educators renewing in June 2018. Go to the Renewal Requirements tab for the updates.
June 1, 2017
Have you met your credits requirement?
Have you completed the online application?
Have you paid your fee?
If you need assistance, click on the Licensure tab or
contact Marie Savoy.
March 27, 2017
DPS Licensure will email information regarding the RENEWAL process in late April to all those up for RENEWAL 30 June 2017.
February 14, 2017
DPS Online Course is AVAILABLE NOW!!!!
There are several different sections available.
February 1, 2017
January 20, 2017
FREE - Online Classes in True North Logic (TNL)
The Spring sessions of Instructor-Led Online Courses are now available in TNL. Check them out. Remember: when you finish participating in one of the TNL online courses, send the Course # and Title to She will pull your certificate and post your credits on your credit history in HRMS.
January 11, 2017
If you are having trouble finding your credits, click on the tab: Lookup my CEUs . For an understanding of the differences between TNL and HRMS, click on t he tab: True North Logic & Credits in HRMS . If you need assistance, call 919.560.2681.
November 16, 2016
Take the time to " Lookup my CEUs " to make sure you are on track for renewal. DPS and DPI have some pretty good opportunities listed in True North Logic to gain knowledge and earn credits. Contact the Office of Leadership and Professional Development (919.560.2681) if you need assistance.
October 31, 2016
Our Fall District PD afternoon was a great success!!! There were about 85 sections and 1300 educators that participated in the Fall Out of the Box ! Please make sure you complete the survey. Look for the Spring Out of the Box early next year. If there was a workshop of which you really wanted to attend but were unable to do so, email and let her know. She will make every effort to accommodate the needs and wants of our educators.
September 6, 2016
Please note: there is a new icon for True North Logic when you go through Home Base.
The icon looks like this:
July 12, 2016
If you are having problems accessing NCEES/TNL, try getting a "fresh start". Stop using your old link(s)/bookmark(s) and search:
NCEdCloud Rapididentity
Type your username and password>select HB - NCEES - LEA 320>select Professional Development.
If you are having problems with your password:
1) Click on the Help button. Answer security questions and your password will be made available.
2) If you are still having problems, email and they can reset your password.
June 20, 2016
Looking for some summer PD? Check out: North Carolina Public Schools <>
There are FREE Facilitated Online Summer Courses Available Now. One week for registration remains for those interested in enrolling in summer online courses. The Educator Effectiveness Division still has seats open for 11 instructor-facilitated online courses. These courses provide high-quality professional development and the opportunity to interact with peers and an instructor. They combine the flexibility of working from anywhere at any time, and the benefits of working with a cohort of peers. The courses will start on Monday, June 20 th . Course titles are listed below. For a full description of each course, please visit . If you have specific questions or need additional support, please email our Instructional Design Lead, Dr. Geetanjali Soni, at
April 6, 2016
Literacy Credit opportunity for Middle school teachers of disciplines served by the K-12 Program Areas: Arts Education, English as a Second Language, and World Languages, click on the link below for info on a workshop to earn literacy credit:
April 4, 2016
The next Out-of-the-Box is scheduled for Early Release day, April 27, 2016. If you are not participating in PD at your school, you may register for one of the 21 Out-of-the-Box classes available on True North Logic. Registration is open now through April 26th. Below is a link to the catalog:
March 28, 2016
If you are up for renewal June 2016, please check your HRMS credit history ( Lookup My CEUs). If you have sent certificates/workshop verification to the Renewal Credits Office at SDC, Marie Savoy will email your assigned DPS Licensure Specialist (and copy you) when your paperwork is processed in HRMS. If you have participated in School PD and/or Central Office PD, those credits will be processed later in May or June when facilitators have finalized participation.
March 11, 2016
If you are up for renewal and are in need of literacy credits (and would like to do an online course), go to the following site and see if there is a course that interests you: .
February 24, 2016
Out of the Box day for February has been cancelled!!!
February 17, 2016
The next Out of the Box day is February 24. Make sure you have registered in TNL!!!
January 4, 2016
More and more DPS workshops are being posted in TNL! If you want to receive credit for DPS workshop participation, you must do the following:
1) Make sure that you register for the workshop prior to attending
2) Sign the sign-in sheet
3) Complete the evaluation
The DPS Instructor will confirm your attendance in TNL and the PD Office will process your credits in HRMS.
November 25, 2015
Our first District-wide event, Out of the Box, was a success using TNL registration! Please plan to attend the February Out of the Box event; we will notify educators when registration will be available in TNL.
November 16, 2015
As we transition from My Learning Plan to True North Logic, there are some points we would like to clarify:
1 DPS and NCDPI still use HRMS to record credits for employees.
2 DPS adopted MLP to manage professional development and now we have chosen to use True North Logic (TNL) as our PD management system. TNL will record the professional development that occurs within the district (as well as some group conferences).
3 Individual out-of-district trainings will not be recorded in TNL. Individuals must continue to send a copy of their out-of-district certificates to Marie Savoy at SDC.
4Credits for both TNL professional development and any out-of-district PD will continue to be recorded on the Continuing Education Employee History (aka HRMS).
* ***CLASSIFIED personnel do not have access to TNL. We are preparing a separate procedure for them to sign-up for PD.***
Our office records credits for all employees for which we receive verification of participation.
October 26, 2015
Registration for "DPS 2015-2016 Out of the Box" will be available beginning November 1, 2015 in TNL. Remember this event will take place on Early Release Day, November 18th. You must register in order to receive credit.
October 21, 2015
DPI did not send hard copies of licenses to the school districts this year (June 2015). If you have registered and are affiliated with NCDPI on the "New Online Licensure System" you can print your license as many times as you would like. (If you need instructions, click on the Licensure Renewal tab above.)
October 13, 2015
Requester Training in TNL
If you need a bit more help with TNL, we will be holding small follow up sessions at SDC - offered at the following times. Please register in TNL to attend.
· 4513 - Tuesday, October 20 - 8:30am-10am - M-6
· 4515 - Wednesday, October 21 – 2pm – 3:30pm – M-6
· 4516 - Friday, October 23 – 12pm – 1:30pm – M-6
· 4517 - Tuesday, October 27 – 3:30pm – 5pm – M-3
· 4518 - Wednesday, October 28 – 3:30pm-5pm – M-6
October 1, 2015
True North Logic (TNL) is just around the corner. We will begin training Instructional Facilitators and Central Office Facilitators on Friday October 9th. Please click on the "True North Logic How To's" tab above for some help guides as you begin using TNL.
September 10, 2015
Since some educators do not have access to My Learning Plan and as we transition to True North Logic, we encourage you to visit the Leadership & Professional Development Calendar by going to the following link: Leadership & Professional Development Calendar
August 20, 2015
Since we are preparing to phase out My Learning Plan, we will not be adding anymore new accounts to My Learning Plan.
August 1, 2015 - Leadership & PD Calendar
The Leadership & PD Calendar can be found by going to DPS Centra l , there, click on Leadership & Professional Development and you will see the Leadership & PD Calendar link on the far right. The calendar is updated daily with both district and out-of-district trainings. If you are a classified employee and would like to participate in a workshop, contact the DPS instructor listed with the workshop posting.
July 1, 2015 - My Learning Plan usage update:
1) The District will be phasing out its use of My Learning Plan in the Fall of 2015.
2) Beginning July 1, 2015, we are working on de-activating all classified accounts in MLP.
3) If you are a certified employee and are having difficulties accessing MLP, please contact and she will assist you.
4) Eventually, Professional Development will be managed using True North Logic (TNL) in NCEES/Home Base for all certified staff . Central Office administrators and School-based administrators will be notified as changes are made.
5) Currently, the Office of Leadership & Professional Development is developing procedures to manage Professional Development for all classified staff. In the meantime, all classified employees should continue to sign-in at workshops.
July 1, 2015 - The number of credits required for licensure renewal has changed beginning July 1, 2015! Click on the NEW RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS tab above to get more information.
July 28, 2015 - We have uploaded data for active users in MLP. Please go through: the DPS website>Employee Portal>Google log-in>Staff Resources>Quick Links>My Learning Plan to access MLP the first time. That way, the program will re-learn your login.
Questions: or call 919.560.2681
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